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2024 - 2026 Junior Western States District Conference Officers


​Jr. Daughter Conference Officers

  • President - Josepha Donfack (162)

  • Vice-President - Kristyna Holbert (121)

  • Recording Secretary - Raven Johnson (121)

  • Financial Secretary/Treasurer - Deja Jones (358)

  • Mistress-At-Arms - Isabelle Young (358)

  • Parliamentarian - Chá Board (369)


Lady Rachel Warner WSDC Jr. Daughter Directress


About the Junior Daughters

The Membership of the Junior Daughters of Peter Claver is comprised of Catholic girls between the ages of 7 - 18. The organization is national in scope. Our program is of a wide range and strives to meet the interests and needs of the Junior membership as follows:

Spiritual:  To supplement the formal instructional religious training received in church, home, and school.

Social:  To cultivate the many social graces; to develop poise and confidence in social situations; to enjoy the companionship of other young people in wholesome surroundings.

Physical:  To develop physical efficiency through a program of activities built upon youth functioning in the light of their capacities.

Civic-Cultural:  To cultivate interest and taste that will produce a more profitable use of leisure hours; to develop an appreciation of their duties as Catholics and as citizens.

The  JUNIOR COURT is a Junior Daughter unit in the Western States District.   Their activities are varied and range from assisting senior members in their activities to Community Bike Rides, Retreats, Community Clean-Up including beaches, March of Dimes, AIDS and Cancer Walks, Homeless and Infant Clothes Collection Drives, Toy Drives for Children in Shelters, Volunteers in Hospitals, Animal Shelters and Libraries.

They serve the parish as Altar Servers, Junior Lectors, Liturgical Dancers/Drummers, and members of the Youth Choirs and Ushers.   Counselors are dedicated to creating environments for Junior Daughters to build character and skills for success in the real world. 

Junior Courts
(*Active Junior Court)

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Sacred Heart of Jesus

Los Angeles, CA


St. Francis of Assisi

East Palo Alto, CA


St. Bernandette

Los Angeles, CA


St. Anne

Sacramento, CA



Los Angeles, CA


St. Mark

Richmond, CA


St. Benedict

Oakland, CA


St. James the Apostle

Las Vegas, NV


St. Josephine Bakhita

Phoenix, AZ

Western States District

Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary

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