Under the auspices of the Knights of Peter Claver Charter Constitution and By-Laws; Councils and Courts in a geographic region are allowed to organize central committees, inter-councils/courts, and Coordinating Councils and Courts to promote Claverism in their area.
In the 1960s, the Coordinating Councils and Courts (CCC) was established for the coordination of business and social activities among all units of KPC and to foster the advancement of Claverism. The CCC is representative of units from the Greater Los Angeles, CA; San Bernardino, CA; Riverside, CA; San Diego, CA; Phoenix, AZ; and Las Vegas, NV areas. Meetings of this body are open to any member of the Knights of Peter Claver (KPC) and the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary (KPCLA) , but only KPC/KPCLA members whose Council or Court have paid the annual dues for the CCC are allowed to vote on any issue before the CCC body. Currently, there are 35 units in the CCC Area (15 Councils, 19 Courts, 4 Junior Knight Branches, and 6 Junior Daughter Courts). These units comprise a total Claver membership of many Knights, Ladies, and Juniors. Click here to see a list of CCC units and their parish of domicile.
The CCC meets bi-monthly to coordinate the activities of all units and to plan local KPC holiday mass celebrations (or turnouts) recognized by our Noble Order.
The bi-monthly meetings are held on the 4th Saturday at 11 am via Zoom.
Councils and Courts belonging to the CCC rotate hosting the annual local KPC holiday mass celebrations.
Upon returning to in-person meetings, Councils and Courts belonging to the CCC will rotate hosting the bi-monthly CCC meetings.